
Are you ready to accelerate your manifestation skills and learn how to finally quantum leap? 


If you're like the old version of me, you've seen everyone else do it... and you want it to be possible for you too.

Perhaps you've watched all those incredible coaches, leaders, and business babes out there who are creating massive abundance, and radically change their lives overnight while making it all look so easy.... 

They are collapsing timelines, and manifesting epic abundance all while you scroll your phone on social media watching them wondering to yourself, "When is it going to happen for ME?! 

While you're hustling and working harder to reach goals, it seems like it's getting easier for everyone else to collapse time, break cycles, and attract the "dream life" vision.

Imagine what your life could look like if you could make one big jump:




Are you ready to accelerate your manifestation skills and learn how to finally quantum leap? 


If you're like the old version of me, you've seen everyone else do it... and you want it to be possible for you too.

Perhaps you've watched all those incredible coaches, leaders, and business babes out there who are creating massive abundance, and radically change their lives overnight while making it all look so easy.... 

They are collapsing timelines, and manifesting epic abundance all while you scroll your phone on social media watching them wondering to yourself, "When is it going to happen for ME?! 

While you're hustling and working harder to reach goals, it seems like it's getting easier for everyone else to collapse time, break cycles, and attract the "dream life" vision.

Imagine what your life could look like if you could make one big jump:






A deep dive masterclass training to collapse time and create big leaps in your manifestation journey. 

The Quantum Leap Method
 is a transformative process for activating your magnetism and ascending into a next level version of yourself, your business, your bank account, and your world. 

With simple, actionable techniques, QLM will teach you everything you will ever need to know about how to quantum leap in your life, so you can turn your big dreams into actual reality.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an aspiring creator, or you just want to heal, ascend, and manifest abundance,
QLM will give you the tools to make it happen.

Inside the Quantum Leap Method you will learn the secret formula to collapsing time, unblocking resistance, and removing your personal limitations so that you can be do and have everything you desire.



About Quantum Dream Life Design

Quantum Dream Life Design is a do-it-yourself, self-study course that walks you through a step-by-step process to create your own quantum leap. Inside this course I teach the exact process I have used to create quantum shifts in my own life, my business, and along my journey of healing addiction.

This DIY course is laid out in a 1.5+ hour training with slides and a powerful journal workbook. Each step takes you through the 8 major life areas where you'll be challenging your belief systems, healing deep-rooted trauma, and activating higher self energy as you design your full reality transformation.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, self-healer, or conscious creator on the path of enlightenment, this course is going to teach you how to create the reality of your dreams and LEAP right into it!





A deep dive masterclass training to collapse time and create big leaps in your manifestation journey. 

The Quantum Leap Method
 is a transformative process for activating your magnetism and ascending into a next level version of yourself, your business, your bank account, and your world. 

With simple, actionable techniques, QLM will teach you everything you will ever need to know about how to quantum leap in your life, so you can turn your big dreams into actual reality.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an aspiring creator, or you just want to heal, ascend, and manifest abundance,
QLM will give you the tools to make it happen.

Inside the Quantum Leap Method you will learn the secret formula to collapsing time, unblocking resistance, and removing your personal limitations so that you can be do and have everything you desire.



About Quantum Dream Life Design

Quantum Dream Life Design is a do-it-yourself, self-study course that walks you through a step-by-step process to create your own quantum leap. Inside this course I teach the exact process I have used to create quantum shifts in my own life, my business, and along my journey of healing addiction.

This DIY course is laid out in a 1.5+ hour training with slides and a powerful journal workbook. Each step takes you through the 8 major life areas where you'll be challenging your belief systems, healing deep-rooted trauma, and activating higher self energy as you design your full reality transformation.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, self-healer, or conscious creator on the path of enlightenment, this course is going to teach you how to create the reality of your dreams and LEAP right into it!



Our whole lives we have been conditioned to believe that "good things take time."


That we have to work hard for what we want.

That we have to push and hustle to make it happen.

That we should even "just be grateful" for what we have.


But your soul KNOWS you want more. And it's literally what brought you here to this sales page.

So... What would life look life for you if you finally figured out a way to make your dreams happen faster


Who has all the time in the world to wait anyway? 


Imagine what your life could look like and feel like in just a year if you started applying these principles. 

My life changed with this method, and I know yours will too



💖 Get on the waitlist for the Quantum Leap Method! 💖

Be the first to know when doors open on June 3rd + receive exclusive launch pricing and a special bonus course (Soul-Aligned Biz Embodiment Codes) for free!

Fill out this form and then check your inbox for all the details!


Our whole lives we have been conditioned to believe that "good things take time."


That we have to work hard for what we want.

That we have to push and hustle to make it happen.

That we should even "just be grateful" for what we have.


But your soul KNOWS you want more. And it's literally what brought you here to this sales page.

So... What would life look life for you if you finally figured out a way to make your dreams happen faster? 


Who has all the time in the world to wait anyway? 


Imagine what your life could look like and feel like in just a year if you started applying these principles. 

My life changed with this method, and I know yours will too. 



About the Quantum Leap Method

The Quantum Leap Method is a self-study masterclass training that walks you through a step-by-step technique to create your own quantum leap experiences. Inside this course I teach the exact process I use to create quantum shifts in my own life, my business, and my healing journey. 

Once you enroll, you will get access to an expansive 1.5+ hour training study, complete with slides and a powerful 50+ page journal workbook where you will expertly map out your own quantum leap.

Each step of the QLM process teaches you how to quantum leap in 7 areas of life mastery for TRUE fulfillment. After all, we aren't just here to manifest money, we want the DREAM REALITY.

In QLM, you'll finally learn how to erase and rewrite your belief systems, how to heal deep-rooted trauma, and the secrets to activating higher self energy as you design your full reality transformation.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, self-healer, or conscious creator on the path of enlightenment, this course is going to teach you how to create the life of your dreams and LEAP right into your magical future.

It's time to end the story that you have to work hard or wait long for what you want.

The answers are in the Quantum Leap Method.



About the Quantum Leap Method

The Quantum Leap Method is a self-study masterclass training that walks you through a step-by-step technique to create your own quantum leap experiences. Inside this course I teach the exact process I use to create quantum shifts in my own life, my business, and my healing journey. 

Once you enroll, you will get access to an expansive 1.5+ hour training study, complete with slides and a powerful 50+ page journal workbook where you will expertly map out your own quantum leap.

Each step of the QLM process teaches you how to quantum leap in 7 areas of life mastery for TRUE fulfillment. After all, we aren't just here to manifest money, we want the DREAM REALITY.

In QLM, you'll finally learn how to erase and rewrite your belief systems, how to heal deep-rooted trauma, and the secrets to activating higher self energy as you design your full reality transformation.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, self-healer, or conscious creator on the path of enlightenment, this course is going to teach you how to create the life of your dreams and LEAP right into your magical future.

It's time to end the story that you have to work hard or wait long for what you want.

The answers are in the Quantum Leap Method.



The step-by-step process inside QLM


💖 Demystifying Quantum Leaping and erasing the limiting beliefs and false perspectives of Quantum Leaping that actually keep you stuck

💖 How to navigate imposter syndrome, fear, self sabotage, and inner resistance

💖 How to energetically attract ideal clients, soul family, success, abundance, and more through both self-healing (release) and embodiment (attract + hold) techniques

💖 The secret to turning "breakdowns" into big leaps that actually create joy, abundance and prosperity.

💖 The Deprogramming practices for erasing patterns of masculine force, push and hustle 

💖 Clearing rituals for releasing low vibrational energies and blocked manifestation skills

💖 A step-by-step design practice to create your dream reality according to the 7 major life areas for true fulfillment 

💖 Subconscious rewiring, habits, and practices to help facilitate your quantum leap

💖 Embodiment and energy tools to help you ground into aligned & abundant higher self frequency

💖 Practices to lead your life or business from a space of empowerment, ease, and flow - so you can BECOME the version of you who's already living in your dream reality



The step-by-step process inside QLM


💖 Demystifying Quantum Leaping and erasing the limiting beliefs and false perspectives of Quantum Leaping that actually keep you stuck

💖 How to navigate imposter syndrome, fear, self sabotage, and inner resistance

💖 How to energetically attract ideal clients, soul family, success, abundance, and more through both self-healing (release) and embodiment (attract + hold) techniques

💖 The secret to turning "breakdowns" into big leaps that actually create joy, abundance and prosperity.

💖 The Deprogramming practices for erasing patterns of masculine force, push and hustle 

💖 Clearing rituals for releasing low vibrational energies and blocked manifestation skills

💖 A step-by-step design practice to create your dream reality according to the 7 major life areas for true fulfillment 

💖 Subconscious rewiring, habits, and practices to help facilitate your quantum leap

💖 Embodiment and energy tools to help you ground into aligned & abundant higher self frequency

💖 Practices to lead your life or business from a space of empowerment, ease, and flow - so you can BECOME the version of you who's already living in your dream reality



💖 Get on the waitlist for the Quantum Leap Method! 💖

Be the first to know when doors open on June 3rd + receive exclusive launch pricing and a special bonus course (Soul-Aligned Biz Embodiment Codes) for free!

Fill out this form and then check your inbox for all the details!


Hi! I'm Amanda. And I used to live life totally STUCK.


I come from a background of deep inner turmoil, trauma, and addiction. These patterns controlled me for over a decade.

Then, I started my business and it became the deepest healing journey of my life. I was forced to face these patterns so I could become the best version of myself as I sought out to find true freedom, purpose, fulfillment, and success.

But the thing was ... I couldn't find any of those things for a long time. I was stuck in my business for nearly four whole years, constantly comparing myself to others and seeking one more "fix" to get to the reality I truly desired.

I was also stuck in a cycle of severe alcohol addiction, physically dependent on it and constantly living in fear that I would have seizures and die.

So, a few years ago, I committed to healing alcohol addiction for good. I applied the manifestation and spiritual principles that I had been studying for over 10 years and, within months, I had completely turned my life around.

Then I began to apply those same principles to my business. Within just a month or two, all of a sudden I was watching the Manifesting Miracle Worker community explode in growth.

People weren't just consuming my free content or showing up for my free workshops - they actually wanted to work with me, learn from me, and expand alongside me.

My business success has been exponential ever since. And I realized it was all due to this process I created ...

The method I channeled to collapse time and quantum leap in my life and business.

 Now I get to share this method with you, for the first time ever.

All it takes is one jump. Are you ready?!



What you get when you join ...

✨ 1.5 hour training with slides

✨ Powerful 50+ page workbook with healing practices, spiritual tools, subconscious rewiring, embodiment techniques, and the step-by-step design process to create your own quantum leap

✨ Exclusive Quantum Timeline Journey meditation




Who it's for and all the other yummy details:


  • The Quantum Leap Method is for entrepreneurs, self-healers, conscious creators, and anyone ready to master higher frequency practices to design your next-level dream reality.

  • No matter where you're at in your journey, this method will help you break through to the NEXT level you desire to be at.

  • This masterclass is designed to help you more fully embody divine higher self frequency, one step at a time, so you will be working with energetic practices, embodiment methods, and other spiritual tools.

  • I used this same process to heal severe alcohol addiction and finally create success in my business after struggling for 4 whole years.

  • You're going to learn how to energetically attract ideal clients, soul family, success, abundance, and more through both self-healing (release) and embodiment (attract + hold) techniques.

  • This masterclass is also designed to help you come into a more empowered relationship with yourself. Instead of seeking for the answers outside of you (like what else you need to "fix"), you're going to learn how to create your dreams from within.

  • This step-by-step quantum leap process is streamlined and simplified, so you're not left guessing what you need to do next (or stay on the continuous loop of trying to figure out the next practice/strategy you need to take for your life & business). You are laying down the bricks and building the path to your next-level reality.

  • You'll find that the answers, medicine, business strategy, and any tools you *need* will come TO you as you go through this process.

  • The Quantum Leap Method is the study of coming back to higher self frequency and getting into the driver's seat of your reality - directing the show the way YOU want it to go.

✨ Bonus ✨
Get Soul-Aligned Biz Embodiment Codes for FREE!

When you enroll in the Quantum Leap Method during the initial launch period, beginning June 3rd, 2024, you'll receive Soul-Aligned Biz Embodiment Codes for FREE!

This powerful one hour masterclass training plus expansive workbook takes you through the journey of embodying your most successful, aligned, and abundant CEO self!

💖 Get on the waitlist for the Quantum Leap Method! 💖

Be the first to know when doors open on June 3rd + receive exclusive launch pricing and a special bonus course (Soul-Aligned Biz Embodiment Codes) for free!

Fill out this form and then check your inbox for all the details!








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